3Com has a solution for small offices that have one phone line but need to connect more than one person to a LAN and to the Internet. OfficeConnect 56K LAN modem incorporates a high-speed modem, 4-port Ethernet hub, IP router and pass-through voice port into one device. It allows small offices to establish a LAN plus access the Internet with just one analog phone line. It works with any PC, Macintosh or UNIX workstation with an Ethernet interface that runs TCP/IP and is compatible with any frame base Web browser. This device is designed to be easy to install with its included cables and ISP Wizard, which automatically configures the ISP connection.
Type: Router
Data Transfer Rate: 10 Mbps
Connectivity: Wired
Platform: PC
Data Link Protocol: Ethernet
Transport Protocol: L2TP NetBEUI/NetBIOS PPTP � TCP/IP UDP/IP
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 95 Microsoft Windows NT UNIX
Width: 8.67 in.
Depth: 5.44 in.
Weight:1.32 lb.