
ADTRAN 1180025L1 TOTAL ACCESS 850 1500 DUAL N 64 V.35 MODULE 2 SERIAL V.35

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Model: 1180025L1
Manufactured by: ADTRAN
Return for Refund: 15 Days
Return for Replacement: 1 Year

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The ADTRAN supplies innovative network access products that enable today's widespread digital telecommunications applications, including Internet access, telecommuting, corporate connectivity, distance learning, video-conferencing, and teleradiology. Used extensively in the networks of incumbent local exchange carriers, competitive local exchange carriers, interexchange carriers, Internet service providers, and private and public enterprises worldwide, ADTRAN products consistently reduce operating costs and improve network performance.

  • Manufactured by:ADTRAN
  • Model/Part :1180025L
  • Device Type: TOTAL ACCESS 850 1500 DUAL N 64 V.35 MODULE 2 SERIAL V.35

  • Copyright © 2008 Zdtronic.com