
ADTRAN 1200326L1 ATLAS 550 IMUX 56 64 MODULE

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Model: 1200326L1
Manufactured by: ADTRAN
Return for Refund: 15 Days
Return for Replacement: 1 Year

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The Adtran Nx56/64 IMUX bonding module (1200326L1) performs BONDING Mode 1 compliant inverse multiplexing in increments of 56/64 Kbps. The module provides 2.048 Mbps of BONDING capacity that can be utilized for one IMUX session at 2.048 Mbps, four IMUX sessions at 512K, or multiple IMUX sessions of varying bandwidth. The Adtran 1200326L1 does not present any physical interfaces and is a plug-on board for all user interface modules and the resource host module.

  • Manufactured by:ADTRAN
  • Model/Part:1200326L1
  • Device Type:ATLAS 550 IMUX 56 64 MODULE

  • Copyright © 2008 Zdtronic.com