
FUJI 26047300 DDS3 12/24GB 4MM 125M DATA CARTRIDGE 1PK

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Model: 26047300
Manufactured by: FUJI
Return for Refund: 15 Days

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Fujifilm's 4mm data cartridges are the ideal solution to high-volume backup and archiving requirements. With capacity of up to 20GB, these easy-to-handle compact cartridges provide cost-efficient backup and long-term archiving - in actual use situations Fujifilm data cartridges have maintained data safely for years. ATOMM (Advanced super Thin-layer & high Output Metal Media) features a non-magnetic lower layer and an ultra-thin upper layer of high-energy metal particles simultaneously applied to a base film.

  • Manufactured by:FUJI
  • Model/Part :26047300
  • Type Storage media - DAT
  • Tape Cartridge DDS-3
  • Media Included Qty 1
  • Native Capacity 12 GB
  • Compressed Capacity 24 GB
  • Tape Length 125 m

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